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KEIKI day at East-West Center

Spring is here! That means.. fun Spring activities for our mentors & mentees to bond outside of school!

7 schools in the Honolulu district came together for our Spring Activity/Keiki Day event at UH's East-West Center:

Farrington High School, Kalihi Waena Elementary School, Kaimuki High School, Ali'iolani Elementary School, Kalani High School, Wilson Elementary School & Lincoln Elementary School.

The theme was "Bringing Worlds Together" & promoting a sense of belonging! 

Jessica Lau, one of our former mentors who is now a UH Mānoa grad student helped coordinate this amazing event! There were 4 rotations & consisted of:

1. Mindful connections

2. Storytelling & Cross-cultural dialogue

3. Culture & Belongingness in Hawai'i

4. Explore the East-West Center

Our mentees & mentors had a fun-filled day together.

They reflected on what groups they belong to (Ex. Church family, friends, Mālama Mentors, Fil-AM club), toured different cultural sites (Japanese garden, Korean studies building, Kabuki art gallery), were able to make new friends/connections from other schools & more!


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